Tips for Reducing Pain After Root Canal Treatment

Tips for Reducing Pain After Root Canal Treatment

Aug 01, 2022

Root canal treatment is used to save smiles on an epic level globally. This procedure has been known to deliver terrific results, although most people believe it to be an excruciating dental procedure.

That, however, is not the case. Root canal dental procedures are performed under local anesthesia and can mean the whole difference between you losing a tooth or restoring it to functionality.

About Root Canal Therapy

The root canal procedure is performed on structurally sound teeth with infected pulp. This procedure ideally involves removing the bacteria and diseased tissues from the root canal region of the affected tooth, cleaning it up, sealing the area to eradicate future reinfection, and placing a crown on the affected tooth to restore it.

Our root canal treatment in St. Pete Beach is an outpatient procedure, and our endodontist near you is focused on ensuring that your procedure will be as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Even though this dental procedure is performed under local anesthesia, once it wears off, you should expect to feel some mild discomfort and swelling during recovery. However, this discomfort should wear off in a few days as you continue with your recovery.

This inflammation and pain should keep decreasing and not intensifying during recovery. If you notice it is intensifying, you should contact our dental office in St. Pete beach for immediate medical attention.

Persistent pain after the procedure indicates that something is off, and in this case, you should see our endodontist near you to find a way to eradicate the pain and discomfort.

Excellent Tips to Reduce Pain and Inflammation after a Root Canal Procedure

It is not uncommon to experience a little discomfort after a root canal procedure. This will occur as the site of treatment tries to heal.

Our dentist in St. Pete Beach, Dr. Cecilia Sorelle, offers our patients who have had to under root canal treatment some handy tips to ensure that their recovery after the treatment is less excruciating and progresses as it should.

Here are some of the ways you can reduce the pain and inflammation that may accompany a root canal treatment:

  • Use a Cold Compress

Applying an ice pack on the side of your face with the affected tooth can help reduce pain and inflammation.

The cold compress is effective in this scenario because it numbs the area and causes the blood vessels within the affected area to constrict, decreasing the circulation in the area, thus decreasing the inflammation and pain.

  • Use Any Pain Medication Prescribed

Before undergoing the procedure, our dentist will have an in-depth discussion with you about pain management. It is possible that after the procedure, you will be prescribed some pain and inflammation medication.

You should take this medication as prescribed and inform our dentist near you if it does not work as it should. Our dentist can help you reevaluate your dosage or switch to alternatives to ensure that the pain is taken care of.

  • Avoid Eating Any Hard Foods Immediately After the Treatment

This will put unnecessary pressure on the site and make a recovery take longer than it should. You should avoid putting any form of pressure or strain on the affected region as this will cause immense pain and even increase inflammation.

  • Salt Water Gargle

Gargling with some warm salty water at least twice a day will help reduce inflammation, relieve the pain and eradicate the chances of getting an infection at the procedure site. You should avoid gargling with hot water as this may make the pain worse by irritating the affected area.

  • Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

It is advisable to avoid drinking alcohol and smoking until there’s a reduction in pain and inflammation. This is because both these practices make a recovery take longer than it should. Also, alcohol may counteract the prescribed pain medication, which is potentially life-threatening.

  • Practice Proper Oral Hygiene

Most people find it challenging to do this because the mouth can feel a bit sore and painful after the procedure. However, gently brushing and flossing your teeth, particularly around the affected site, can help alleviate the pain. This is because brushing and flossing eliminate bacteria that produce an acidic substance that can irritate the site worsening the pain.

Apart from this, practicing proper oral hygiene ensures that the site will not get infected.

Do not hesitate to contact us today at Dental Arts St. Pete Beach if you need to undergo root canal treatment or for a checkup after your procedure.

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