Caring for Your Mouth after Tooth Extraction

Caring for Your Mouth after Tooth Extraction

Feb 01, 2021

If you have a decayed or damaged front tooth, you may be searching for a dentist near you for help to restore the appearance of your teeth and smile. The tooth may have sustained damages due to decay or impacts, leaving it weakened and incapable of functioning appropriately. Your smile may also have become impacted because of the deficiency.

The dentist you contact undoubtedly will recommend all-porcelain crowns for front teeth as they are transparent and appear similar to your natural teeth. Dentists don’t recommend all-porcelain crowns for the molars where the biting pressure is higher as this variety is prone to fractures. However, they are ideal for your front teeth, where you can have all-porcelain crowns instead of other types.

What Types of Porcelain Crowns Are Available from Dentists?

The most beautiful variety of porcelain crowns are the feldspathic variety, which is conventional and frequently used. Empress crowns appear like glass and are also called ceramic. The Procera crown has a traditional porcelain exterior with milled ceramic inside. This crown is exceptionally durable, and the bonding is accomplished using dental cement.

The lava crown has transparent zirconia on the insides shaded to appear beautiful on the exterior because of its baked layer. E-max crowns are becoming popular among people currently.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Porcelain Crowns?

Currently, porcelain crowns are considered the most beautiful restorations a tooth can get. High-quality dental-grade porcelain is the only variety providing the desired transparent looks to your tooth. The transparent looks are influenced by your natural tooth beneath them. All-porcelain crowns have many benefits that are explained for your help.

The Pros of Porcelain Crowns

  • Porcelain crowns are transparent and aesthetically appealing, similar to natural teeth.
  • All-porcelain crowns are metal-free, making them unlikely to cause allergic reactions in your mouth.
  • Porcelain is a biocompatible material and does not cause sensitivity in your tooth.
  • Form correction and alignment is possible with porcelain crowns.
  • Patients with reduced spaces in their mouths are ideally suited for porcelain crowns.

Porcelain crowns also have a set of downsides that you must consider. They are:

  • Porcelain crowns are expensive compared to other varieties.
  • Porcelain crowns are prone to breaking even cracking and are not as durable as other types.
  • Preparing your teeth is complicated and may take longer than other crowns.

As porcelain crowns are prone to breaking or cracking, they are not recommended for restoring a molar.

Are Porcelain Crowns Affordable?

All-porcelain crowns on the front teeth cost between $ 1000-$ 1500 per tooth, depending on your location and the dentist’s experience. The higher prices you pay for the restoration are compensated by the appearance of the crown and its durability.

What Is the Procedure When Getting Porcelain Crowns?

The procedure for getting porcelain crowns is no different than having traditional crowns to restore your tooth. It would be best if you prepared yourself for multiple visits to porcelain crowns dental clinic near you initially for cleaning your damaged or decayed tooth, reshaping it, and preparing it for the treatment.

The best dentist in Pleasant Hill, CA, takes impressions of the prepared tooth with dental putty to prepare a mold for the dental laboratory to customize your porcelain crown. You receive a temporary crown made from acrylic to protect the reshaped tooth in the meanwhile.

You must return to the dentist after about three weeks when the dental laboratory provides your customized portion crown to your dentist. During this appointment, the dentist begins your process by removing the temporary crown and preparing your tooth for a permanent restoration. Your tooth is roughened by applying an etching solution to enable the permanent repair to hold on firmly to your tooth. Finally, after obtaining the desired fitting, the crown is firmly fixed, applying dental cement to your teeth.

Porcelain crowns are not as durable as other varieties. You must exercise caution when using your teeth for biting hard foods, biting your fingernails, or trying to open packages. You may easily chip or crack the porcelain crown, needing replacements faster than usual. Besides the precautions mentioned, you can continue enjoying the appearance of your new restorations by maintaining proper oral hygiene because, with proper dental care, the repairs can last for quite some time.

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