4 Reasons Water Is the Best Beverage for Your Teeth

The benefits of water cannot be overemphasized. New research suggests that water is also an elixir for Dental Health. Qualified dentists at Dental Arts SPB suggest that there are various ways in which you can use Water for dental improvement. It is important to get a fair understanding of the effect of consuming more water on your Dental Health. Here are 4 motivating reasons why water is the best beverage for your oral health:

  • An alternative to sugary beverages

When it comes to dental health, there is possibly nothing worse than sugar and starch. Sugar attaches itself to the teeth and removing the same weakens the tooth enamel. Also, sugar encourages bacteria to accumulate and decay and create cavities. Thus, as an alternative to sugary drinks, water, in fact, contributes to the well being of your teeth and gums.

  • Helps Strengthen teeth

City water ordinarily contains some amount of fluoride. Among the numerous benefits of consuming water with fluoride is the fact that it helps to strengthen your teeth by removing cavities and preventing decay. Water also removes plaque and thereby reduces danger to the degrading teeth enamel. The gum lining is also protected by it.

  • No Dry Mouth

Not drinking enough water cause “Dry Mouth”. Dry mouth is often referred to as a situation where enough saliva is not produced. Saliva performs various important functions to maintain the health of our teeth. It helps to maintain their strength using phosphate, fluoride and calcium and also makes sure that food is not stuck between the teeth by facilitating swallowing. Consequently, dry mouth may lead to deterioration of your teeth and gums.

  • Oral Hygiene

The importance of oral hygiene is often stated with vigour by various experts including Dental Arts SPB. They suggest that water helps to clean the sugar that sticks on your teeth and aggravates the risk of cavities and decay. Furthermore, various foods increase bacteria or leave behind acids that may harm but drinking water frequently helps to wash them away before they accumulate.

Do Kids Need Fluoride Treatments?

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in most public water sources and some food items. But the pertinent question is if the kids need professional fluoride treatment. Let’s explore.

What Is Fluoride?

It’s a naturally occurring mineral, which can be found in many foods and water supplies. It’s an important mineral for our dental health as it strengthens the enamel and helps in fighting cavities and decays. Fluoride can help your children in fighting cavities as their enamel is still in developing stage.

How Does Fluoride Work?

The fluoride helps in fighting decay and caries as it combines with phosphate and calcium and hardens the developing teeth before they emerge through the gums. These teeth will be more resistant to decay in the later years of your child’s life.

The mineral can also help after your child’s teeth have emerged. It continues to strengthen the teeth with a process known as remineralization. The bacteria in the mouth produce acid, which weakens and demineralizes the enamel. The fluoride helps in repairing the enamel via remineralization process. It hardens the enamel and reverses the early stage tooth decay.

What Are Fluoride Treatments?

The fluoride treatment in 33706, FL, is application of fluoride in the form of gel or varnish on the teeth by a dental professional. These treatments can help people suffering from decay and cavities along with people who are at the risk of developing cavities. The dentist will paint the fluoride varnish on teeth via brush and the patient will be told not to eat or drink for 30-40 minutes. Flossing and brushing is also restricted for 5-6 hours post treatment.

Do Kids Need Fluoride Treatments?

After your child turns 1, take them for a dental visit in every 6 months, so that their oral health can be monitored. The dentist will examine the teeth and determine if fluoride treatment is needed. You can use fluoride toothpaste at home for your child, but make sure that the paste should be about the size of a rice grain as too much fluoride can cause fluorosis. Contact our St. Peach Beach Dentistry today.